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Your Job, our job

The issue of gentrification can feel overwhelming. It is complex, devastating, and controversial. Even when we want to help, it can feel that we are too insignificant to make any significant change. You may be asking...


What can I do?

Get involved in community organizations.

Community organizations are a well-established and direct way to serve in a way that is meaningful to you. Connecting with people who share the same passion is the best way to make meaningful change for gentrification.

Be mindful of how your actions are part of the greater effect.

While it is difficult to always see the impacts of our actions before the fact, it is essential to consider when thinking about gentrification, as gentrification cannot be "fixed" once the process has started. Before buying a house, think about the trend you may be contributing too. Before shopping at large retailers, think about how you can support minority-owned small businesses.

Use your privilege to speak for those who don't have the same.

If you are someone with privilege, whether that be through your race, socioeconomic status, or other qualification, think about how you can use this privilege in a positive way. Can you be heard louder or better well received by a group that can make an impact for this issue?

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